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Dear Iakovos & Camille

Now that I’m back home from the recent holiday I just want to thank you both for such a wonderful week’s walking.

The organisation was faultless throughout the week, from the time you met us at the airport to the time you saw us off from the hotel on the last day.

In terms of walking abilities we were very much a mixed group but the choices of walks each day suited everyone so thank you for that. I also enjoyed hearing about the various Archaeological sites we came across and the many flowers we saw on the walks.

The bus rides to the starts to the walks were well organised despite the lack of an accurate timetable! 

The first evening meal at the taverna was a bonus and also the last day’s visit to your home for refreshments was a lovely touch. And the home made wine fortified me immensely!

So all in all a great holiday so thank you very much. I would have no hesitation in recommending you to other walking groups.

And you never know, our paths may cross again in the future!

Kindest regards

Roger Bainbridge

Roger Bainbridge, Boston Ramblers - Boston - Lincolnshire - May 2022